8FOLD/ACRA: Jolt City # 11, Mystery of the Two Green Knights!

Tom Russell milos_parker at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 10 16:05:39 PDT 2007

On Sep 10, 3:42 am, Tarq <mitchell_cro... at caladrius.com.au> wrote:
> On Sep 9, 5:36 pm, Tom Russell <milos_par... at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Wow. That was really, really great. I picked up on a few grammatical
> errors here and there which disrupted the flow a little, but not
> enough to stop this from being an amazing story.

I'll try to fix any and all errors from issues # 2-11 in the collected
edition, which will probably be released concurrent with the Annual.
Anyone who'd be so kind as to point out any they've noticed would get
a special thanks in the TEB edition.

> The final scene between Martin and Derek, whilst I saw it coming
> through most of the story (particularly the landing-silently-in-mud
> bit), had to be one of my favourite parts. Throughout the series,
> we've seen Martin evolve from a determined loner into a more
> accepting, friendly, 'heroic' role -- the passage in the previous
> issue when Martin was placed in isolation in Earbox highlighted this.
> Seeing Martin take on a sidekick of his own (heck, even just seeing
> him sign Darkhorse's cast) adds a lot of warmth to the character, and
> even just ending on the word 'sidekick' gives a conclusive feel to not
> only this issue, but the entire story.

That was my intention, and I'm glad you picked up on it; the first
eleven issues of Jolt City (moreso 2-11) have been intended from the
start as one story, however episodic it might be-- one story following
the arc of the character.  At over 70,000 words, I'd like to think of
it as a sort of novel in its own way.

I'll probably skip another month or so before beginning the second
Jolt City "novel", which would focus, of course, on the relationship
between Martin and Derek, and Martin's continued movement towards, and
occassionally away from, the Silver-Agey elements of superheroing.
> Kudos on a magnificently executed piece,

Thank you very, very kindly.
> ~Mitchell.


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