LNH: 58.5 #11

Lalo Martins lalo.martins at gmail.com
Fri Nov 2 10:31:37 PDT 2007

Also spracht Martin Phipps (Fri, 02 Nov 2007 13:21:48 +0000):
> On Nov 1, 9:26 pm, Lalo Martins <lalo.mart... at gmail.com> wrote
> a nice balance between story and exposition.  If anything, you erred on
> the side of too much exposition but as I've been accused in the past of
> "hating" exposition then perhaps that's just me. :)


> Seriously, though, I would have enjoyed seeing a bit more of the
> Irony Man robot / Dialek gag

Fear not, this robot will be back in future issues.

> espcially an explanation as to why there were so many in the end. 
> I thought the key was to have the robots replace the Legionaires so that
> the general public would not become alarmed by their disappearnaces:
> multiple Irony Men would have had the effect of making the general
> public suspcious.

Those were Irony Engines, the equivalents to the Irony Man robot in the 
"League of Net.Havoc" universe.  The idea is that the original Irony 
Engine (the larger one) was created by King Kontraption after the death 
of Irony Man, and then later, when the League needed reinforcements, they 
built a small army of Irony Engines subordinate to the real one.

The whole thing, of course, being a play on the actual Daleks.

> I'm also confused by the ending.
>> And back in the Looniearth, Contraption Man started deactivating the
>> stasis pods.  The New Misfits were saved.
> It's a bit abrupt.  Did something get cut by google?  I remember you had
> that problem before.

Sorry :-) I thought it was so nicely poetic that I couldn't bear to add 
anything after that, but I should have thought harder of some way to make 
it clear it had ended... a bonus feature, a "next issue...", or even a 
"to be continued".

                                               Lalo Martins
      So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
       then they seem improbable, and then, when we
       summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
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