LNH/META: The LNH Personality Quiz

Martin Phipps martinphipps2 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 19 21:47:43 PDT 2006

Tom Russell wrote:
> This does bring up a question for discussion: why is it that
> Cheesecake-Eater Lad remains so popular, and Steak and Potatoes Man not
> as much?  IMO (to be brutally honest), SAPM has a much-better defined
> personality than CEL.  And yet it's the latter who is, more or less,
> the poster child of the LNH.
> Might be because CEL came first, or because cheesecake is inherently
> wonky.  But it doesn't matter what I think; I want to know what you
> think.

Cheesecake Eater lad came first.  Cheesecake is "wonky".  But more
importantly, Steak and Potatoes is dull, both the character and the
choice of menu.  (I've always been more of a pork and rice type of
guy.)  Also, he was created as an American icon like Captain America
and, regardless of how it began, most of us who write for the LNH are
not American: me, Jaelle, Jamie, Jamas, Saxon.  You, Rob and Arthur are
the only Americans posting for the LNH with the other authors posting
for other imprints.  Besides, American food, namely hamgurgers, French
fries, hot dogs (ie frankfurters in a bun), apple pie, pizza,
spaghetti, this is all European food so the fallacy of having a
character who cooks only American food is inherently wrong.  It is
disturbing to me that pizza is considered American by Steak and
Potatoes Man but egg rolls are not.  At least that is how I reacted
when the character was first introduced.  (I may even have said so at
the time: I have a bad habit of speaking my mind. :) )

> >      Dave Van Domelen, may have to call the cops on his noisy downstairs
> > neighbors again tonight, joy.
> My sympathies: the main impetus for purchasing a house and basically
> ruining myself financially is that my wife is a very light sleeper who
> awakes at the slightest squeak.  The apartment above us had many
> occupants in the years we were there, but they all had several things
> in common: none of them had jobs; their parents paid for their cars,
> rent, utilities, and food; they all slept during the day and not at
> night.
> Not trying to outdo you or anything; we certainly never had to call the
> police on our neighbours.  Just commiserating in your misery. :-(

I've suffered from bad neighbours before but I am now living in a brand
new faculty dorm and there AREN'T any neighbours downstairs, at least
not yet. :)


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