LNH20: Looniverse Fight Chronicles Trading Card Game #11: Imperilus the Exterminating Son

Drew Nilium pwerdna at gmail.com
Mon Sep 25 21:52:53 PDT 2023

Imperilus the Exterminating Son (Summoner L1)
<Punch Dude> <Dungeon Crawl> <Wildcard>
[Slayers of the Net]
Root Directory: SW-10
Source Key: Scott Eiler
First Appearance: Cauldron

Grind for XP - Whenever a monster gets Kicked Out, put a Power-Up counter on 
Summon: Brawling Partner - Tapivate, remove a Power-Up counter: Return all other 
[Slayers of the Net] to their owners' hands, then any player may have a [Slayer 
of the Net] Jump Into the Scene.

Wit: 1
Whimsy: 2
Determination: !
Charm: 1
Puzzle-Solving: 0
Elbow Grease: 6
Edge: 4
Nonsense: 3
Groundedness: 2
Chill: 0

"What a perfect vacation spot, heh heh heh!"


Drew "we're doing Post-Metal Doomcore cards now" Nilium

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