LNH: Looniverse Fight Chronicles Trading Card Game #10: Clash of Ideals

Drew Nilium pwerdna at gmail.com
Mon Sep 25 11:00:43 PDT 2023

On 9/23/23 9:23 PM, candycanearter07 wrote:
> TBH i don't get the game at all

That's fair. X> Part of what I'm doing is giving y'all the pieces and letting 
you figure out how it works, but to be clear, this is a game about telling a 
story - specifically, an LNH story. And this card is the point in the story 
where two people who are on the same side get in an argument over an important 
issue, and learn to understand each other more.

Drew "and I gotta figure out how to represent that with cards and counters" Nilium

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