LNH: Classic LNH Adventures #291: Panta #2

Arthur Spitzer arspitzer2 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 25 14:03:11 PDT 2023

And we're back in the past and can check the eyrie archive 
once again.

And here's where you can find the Panta Miniseries as well as other
Panta comics: 


And its an Integrity Questers Miniseries!  

We have Panta #2 by Hubert Bartels!  Can Panta make it in the
Big Apple (and if so does that mean she can make it anywhere?!)
And is Brotherhoo' of Evil, Morlocks, and Archvillians Inc.
about to have a new member?!

Find out in...

             | |      Classic			
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             |____|   \__]    \__ |  |_|   \__/   |_|\_\
                                |_|  OF NET.HEROES

                                    ADVENTURES #291

                                Panta #2

Date: Sat, 17 Dec 1994 17:58:19 -0700
From: Hubert Bartels <hgb at catalina.opt-sci.Arizona.EDU>
Subject: panta.2

		PANTA #2: LNH? R.I.P. Now N.Y!

[ The scene on the cover is Panta standing in front of a semi-rig. In front
  of her, the LNH steps can be seen leading up to rubble. In fact, only the
  steps remain to show where the former LNH HQ building stood. The semi-rig
  has a name, but at this time, fancy titling obscures what that name is. ]

[ The LNH HQ was blown up in Flame Wars #2. Informative HGB.]

"It's gone..." Panta said slowly. She stood at the base of the steps to the
LNH, staring at the wisps of smoke raising from the ruins. The former LNH
leopard girl was dressed in an castoff man's shirt and baggy trousers that
gave her a urchin look, yet failed to hide her mutant origins.

"Ah gotta hit the road, honey..." The trucker said.

"Just a moment..." Panta asked. She stared silently at the crumpled brickwork.
"Goodbye Lost Cause Boy. Thank you for the hugs. Goodbye Kid Anarky. I'll never
forget what you did for me. Goodbye Rochester-"

"Ah, hurry up chile, Ah gotta make Naw Yawk by sundown."

Panta gave the trucker a quick look, then turned and climbed back up into the
cab of the truck. She pulled the door shut, ran a furry hand through the
remains of her ash blonde mohawk (now growing out), and tightened up her seat

"Ya had frien's back thar?" The trucker asked as he put the truck in gear and
pulled away from the remains of the LNH.

"Yes, in a way. Actually, one or two..." Panta said, wiping a tear from her
light green cat eyes.

The truck slipped out of Net.ropolis and into the coming day. As the sun climbed
into the sky, one could now read the truck's owner: 'ACME Evil Plot Mechanisms
- Serving Archvillians since 1936'.

		       *                  *                     *

'New York - 39 miles' read the interstate sign. Panta stirred and then sat up.
>From underneath her eyelashes, she studied the silent trucker on the other side
of the cab. She'd flagged him down outside a warehouse in Net.ropolis,
expecting to get another rude rejection or cursing at her exotic feline looks.
But the truck stopped and the trucker opened the door with a smile and a 'Git
on in, chile - it's cold out thar.' Now her feline curiosity got the better
of her. "Sorry to be asking and all, but why did you stop for me?" she asked.

"Yar one of them thar mutants, right? Figgered that wid the LNH bein' gone and
awl, ya'd be joinin' up wid us now."

"Us?" Panta said, suddenly completely awake and ice cold.

"Yep. Ya know, the Brotherhoo' of Evil, Morlocks, and Archvillians Inc. The
guys plannin' ta wipe out the good guys anywhar."

"Yes, yes, yes..." Panta agreed quickly. Then to change the subject, she asked
about the truck and its company.

"Wahl, ya know that dem Archvillain types don't make all thar own stuff, ya
know, do it in-house, as dem engineer types say. ACME does it afore dem.
We're the bigges' bes' supervillain supply house in the whole world."

"Really," Panta said with ever bigger eyes. Outside, the highway rushed by
much too quickly.

"Yep. Like right now. We're carryin' a load of them A-bombs so that some gang
can blow up New Jersey. On the way back, Ah'll be carryin' somethin' for Manga

"How interesting..." Panta said, holding her small duffelbag tighter in front
of her.

"So, where ya headin'?"


"Thought ya whar one of dem Marvel chicks. Ya ain't wearing near nuthing."

"Um, actually, I'm just visiting Mom," Panta finally confessed.

"Wahl, whatever ya say, honey."  The trucker fell back into silence.

Panta caught him looking at her from time to time, but he said no more.

		      *                     *                   *

The truckdriver dropped her off outside a building in downtown Manhattan. The
truck paused for a moment. "Wahl, iffen ya wanna join us, ya knows whar ta
fin' us," the trucker shouted. Then he smiled and waved, and his truck
disappeared into the darkness. Panta looked up at the address on the building
then pushed her way through the revolving doors to the lighted lobby.

[ Follow the adventures of the lonely leopard girl in the next issue of Panta! ]

Lost Cause Boy (tm) Douglas P. Wojtowicz, Kid Anarky (tm) Stephane Savoie
Panta (leopard spots and all) Hubert Bartels.

Hubert Bartels          INTERNET: hgb at catalina.opt-sci.arizona.edu
Optical Sciences Center (602)-621-2032            FAX: (602)-621-4416
University of Arizona   Surf the Famous springs of Jyushenkyou!
Tucson, AZ, USA 85721                            It'll change your life!  


Next Week:  I'll be celebrating America's Independence from those Aliens
             that blew up the White House, but maybe in two weeks or so 
             I'll return with some new Classic LNH Adventures!


Arthur "Same Classic Channel.  But Same Time?  Probably not." Spitzer 

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