LNH/META: What Else is an Elsewhirl?

Drew Nilium pwerdna at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 18:34:00 PDT 2022

This seems like a good subject to ride back in on!

So I was working on https://lnh.diamond-age.net/wiki/List_of_Elsewhirls , and I 
was struck by a problem - what counts as an Elsewhirl? Obviously, anything 
explicitly labeled as an Elsewhirl goes in, as does anything with "ELSE" in the 
tags, but there's stories that don't have any of that that still clearly fit.

My immediate definition is: Any standalone story that doesn't fit cleanly into 
the continuity of an existing imprint - that is, Classic LNH, LNH20, LNHY, LNH2, 
NTB, etc. This doesn't count ongoing yet self-contained stuff. It's very 
function-over-content, but that seems useful for the wiki, at least. X3

Drew "going to put Syrup of the Gods as one based on this" Nilium

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