LNH/LNH20: LNH: Hungry, Hungry Sabertooths! #47 (Post-Metal Doomcore tie-in)

Scott Eiler seiler at eilertech.com
Thu Nov 11 19:02:17 PST 2021

On 2021-11-11 10:40, Drew Nilium wrote:
>> If this is another one of those damn LNH things, I'm gonna..."
>> A convenient newspaper fluttered by on the wind. Imperilus snatched it 
>> up. The headline read:
>> "God damn it!" said Imperilus, ripping the newspaper apart. "Now I'm 
>> mad... fighting mad!"
> Amazing. <3 <3 <3

"Free For Use" means "Free For Use".  I approve.

>> Note: Well there you go. Imperilus was functioning as a kind of isekai 
>> protagonist at this point so it felt appropriate to send him to where 
>> he could fight the other ones.

heh, I guess you're right!  Now, how's anyone gonna explain that to 
him...?  8{D>

-- (signed) Scott Eiler  8{D> ------ http://www.eilertech.com/ -------

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to Minerva, should, instead, rather offer sacrifice at the altars
of Bacchus, Orpheus, Venus, and Morpheus."

- Advice to Prince Duarte of Portugal.  From "The golden age of
Prince Henry the Navigator", by Joaquim Pedro Oliveira Martins.
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