SW10/WWW: Powernaut 2008 #8-9: Who's Winning?

Scott Eiler seiler at eilertech.com
Thu Apr 16 16:16:02 PDT 2020

Well, this is embarrassing.  I am three days late in publishing because 
issue #9 wasn't ready yet.  But I not only forgot to publish issue #8, I 
forgot it was supposed to be the issue I publish this week!

So here's a double episode.  But I reserve the right to take next week 
or the week after off.


In which we find out who wins in Power Class, and who wins among Power 
School teachers.

And oh yeah, my universe has a Space Lincoln.  Doesn't every universe?


Bonus Section:  Commentary from Wyatt Ferguson!  Guest Instructors

Heh, the Reality House is splurging on guest instructors to make the 
series interesting.  Chief among these is "Abe Knight", who practices 
law in Illinois - and strongly resembles Abraham Lincoln.  There are 
rumors that he went to space before supposedly dying, the same way 
Zenobia did.  Abe Knight neither confirms nor denies these, but he loves 
to end his sessions with what *could* have happened if Abe Lincoln went 
into space.

Other instructors have included Budo (a freelance swordsman from New 
Jersey), Mister Discipline (a businessman in Times Square of New York 
City), a former football player named Peerless, and the guy who once 
dressed up as the Mad Axeman from Shenandoah.  They each had at least 
something to say about superhuman history and the modern world.

-- (signed) Scott Eiler  8{D> ------ http://www.eilertech.com/ -------

The soldiers presented a pathetic but inspiring spectacle. The
hospitals were crowded with sick and wounded; the walls were
gradually crumbling under incessant shell fire, yet that garrison
of heroes remained undaunted.

It was as Buck said, "just as if they had been Americans."

- from "The Airship Boys in the Great War", De Lysle F. Cass, 1915.
Coming soon to Project Gutenberg.  gutenberg.org

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