RACCIES: Prehistoric Productions Eligibles 2016

Drew Perron pwerdna at gmail.com
Tue Apr 4 08:43:25 PDT 2017

Welp, here they are! All of my RACCies-eligible stories from 2016!

...hoo boy. I didn't really *produce* that much in 2016, did I? ^^; A 
lot of writing, but a lot of it on long-term projects that haven't seen 
the light of day yet. And it's already April, jeez louise. Welp, time to 
get kickin'!


    Mighty Medley #25: "Smile Cure"
    Mighty Medley #26: "A Kink in the Plan"
    Mighty Medley #27: "The Basilisk Blinks"
    Mighty Medley #28: "Safe Disempowerment"
    Mighty Medley #30: "Livestreaming Consciousness"
    Mighty Medley #31-33 and 35: "The Terrific Visage" Parts 1-4

    Cover Gallery #33i-36i
    FLASH! LNH Comics Presents Monthly #1-2: The Core LNH #1.0-2.5
    FLASH! LNH Comics Presents Monthly #1-2: Just Imagine Saxon Brenton 
and the Writers of RACC in: RACCies the Final! Symphony of Genesis #0-1
    WikiLull #2, 5, 7, 11, 13, 16; WikiLull After #1, 3


Drew "let's kick it up! TURBOZORD POWER" Perron

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