SW10/WWW: The Superhuman World Wiki: Secret Commando - Update!

Drew Perron pwerdna at gmail.com
Sun May 15 22:58:42 PDT 2016

On 5/12/2016 11:24 PM, Scott Eiler wrote:
> The Secret Commando and his grandson Wyatt Ferguson both showed up in Labrador,
> Canada in 2007, to raid a secret compound.  They were both surprised to find
> each other there.
> Wyatt wrote his part of the story years ago (before First Contact with RACC, but
> one might review http://www.eilertech.com/stories/2007/secretwings.htm if one
> really wants it).
> But here's the Secret Commando's part of the story at last!
> http://www.eilertech.com/stories/wiki/Secret_Commando.htm#secretwings

"Wyatt was being a dumbshit as usual, but his heart was in the right place." 

(I assume that, in the original Marvel-linked version of the story, there were 
some Green Goblin-related shenanigans.)

> And there's a photo, published online for the first time ever...  The secret
> compound really exists!  (Yes, I've been to Labrador too.)

That's labradorable!

Drew "I said it and I'm glad" Perron

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