MISC: The Girl Who Saved The World Part 43

Drew Perron pwerdna at gmail.com
Fri Aug 12 17:26:00 PDT 2016

On 6/25/2016 9:06 PM, George Phillies wrote:

haha @-@ Haha... july was busy.

> Where was this meeting going, Buncombe wondered? The Ambassadors had met
> often enough that most of them, most of the time, did not feel obliged
> to insult each other.


> Positions of the Great Powers on ownership of the
> Namestone were hardly state secrets, at least among the powers that
> believed that the Namestone existed.  The Celestial Republic of Prince
> Wang was by no means convinced that there actually was a Namestone.
> After all, if it existed, the Martyr would undoubtedly have given it to
> the Perfect Man, the Emperor of the Middle Kingdom, Lord of All the
> Earth, when the Martyr first arrived on Earth three millennia ago, and
> he had not done so. The IncoAztecan Speaker for the First Speaker
> doubtless agreed with the Celestial Republic’s Ambassador, except of
> course that the Martyr would undoubtedly have given the Namestone to the
> First Speaker, the Living Sun.

Doom blames the accursed Richards for not being given the Namestone, even though 
Doom was not born yet!

> Holmgren directed his
> attention to the chief of the League Secret Political Police, who looked
> even more bedraggled than his audience. He had been awake for almost two
> days, ever since the universal solar eclipse began.

Oh, I'm so sorry that it's hard being part of the secret police >:I

> “Other than that, there is no record whatsoever.  My staff agrees that
> Eclipse is a woman, not too advanced in years, likely late 20s, and
> rigorously trained.

Well, two out of three ain't bad.

> Who is behind her?  There must have been a huge
> support team, but they remain in the shadows.

Okay, two out of four.

> The moment that the Bearer refused to hand over
> the Namestone, the Bearer should have been summarily executed, without
> giving her any warning or any further argument.  League resolutions,
> binding on every person in the world, make clear that it is entirely and
> most strictly forbidden for any private person to retain custody of the
> Namestone. Equally, League Resolutions, binding on every person in the
> world, make clear that it is entirely and most strictly forbidden for
> any private person to dispute the right of the League to take possession
> of the Holy Namestone for the benefit of all humanity.”

What an egalitarian and open civilization.

> The notion
> that single individuals are entitled to disobey, no, even to question
> the directives of their superiors is entirely and most rigorously
> unacceptable.

I mean, I know I've been over this bit before, but it's just. This really does 
throw this world into sharp relief.

Drew "is there too much of it? I'm still not sure" Perron

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