MISC: Answering Drew's Questions

George Phillies phillies at 4liberty.net
Sat Nov 28 20:01:32 PST 2015

>>> I awoke at half past dark.  To put it mildly, I hurt.
>> Hmmmmm. Should we know who this is right now? (The obvious choice is Eclipse,
>> with the injuries happening in the challenge for the Namestone - but there's
>> nothing *explicitly* pointing there yet...)

The first Chapter sets the scene.  We are in a world with superpowers. 
Something that the characters view as earthshattering happens.

However, Eclipse is the lead character. We really need to get to her 
soon (with a tip of the hat to Frank Chadwick for making this point 
about MinuteGirls.) So we do.  However, Eclipse is in first person, so 
she does not think her own name very often.

> Ahhhh, the Skull's a villain, isn't he

Not really. The Lords of Eternity are really really powerful types. So 
is Morgan La Fey.  As it happens, so is Eclipse.

> > Hmmmmmm... I gotta wonder whether it's a good idea to re-run the scene with her
> commentary in the chapter right after the scene itself.

You have an excellent point. There are certainly choices, but 
introducing the heroine really should happen early.  Also her 
perspective on what is happening is rather different from the 
perspective in Chapter One.

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