LNH/HCC: Just Another Cascade #12 part A

Andrew Perron pwerdna at gmail.com
Sat Apr 4 13:07:50 PDT 2015

On 4/4/2015 12:40 AM, Adrian J. McClure wrote:
> On Wednesday, April 1, 2015 at 4:01:52 PM UTC-4, Andrew Perron wrote:
>>> .o(Seriously man you... whoa, your'e really pretty.) His astral hand reached
>>> out to touch Anti-Christ Lad's face.
>>> .o(...thank you?) said Anti-Christ Lad, blushing.
>>> .o(Look, this ain't the time,) said Burning Bra Lass, but she found herself
>>> smiling. .o(Save the cute stuff for later, just tell us what's going down.)
>> Awwwwwww. ^.^
>I wonder what the present-timeline, corrupted Anti-Christ Lad is going to
 > think of all this...

I look forward to their meeting. <3 I don't think I'll be able to fit it in 
#13. @.@

>Also I'm a little surprised my use of SSTO here didn't excite more
 > controversy--she is one of the longest running core LNH characters and
 > undergoes a fairly drastic shift here.

It's an interesting moment for her.

 > I guess no one has much engaged with the core of Classic LNH in a while.
 > After Beige Midnight, it seems like we've gone back to more of a period
 > where we're each developing our own things. That's reflected in the
 > organization of this cascade--it mostly involved each of us pursuing our
 > own plot threads which lightly interacted. Anyway, I'm hoping to try and
 > revitalize the core LNH a bit, here and elsewhere.

As you know, I have Plans along those lines. <3

> Adrian (it's nice being able to actually finish things again...)

Andrew "NO .SIG MAN" "Juan" Perron, consistency!

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