[MV] The Super Wizard From Space #13

Wil Alambre wilalambre at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 20:48:40 PDT 2011

On 2011-06-29, at 8:23 PM, Scott Eiler <seiler at eilertech.com> wrote:

> On 6/29/2011 11:40 AM, Wil Alambre wrote:
>> Seeing the mummy machine coldly crushing the phantasmal fish, she only
>> waved dismissively in it's direction. "Pleasze, M, you may releasze
>> them. We are unharmed. Thisz isz not our true form. We are not even
>> here, chooszing to participate by long-disztance communication. And asz
>> you can szee, the transzmisszion technology in this honey-baszed
>> hologram has easzily repaired itszelf."
> I'm sorry, but even with super-honey, a purely honey-based hologram seems like a stretch to me.  But that's probably just the wrong term for it.  I'll admit Queen Buzz might have loaded a hive with all manner of projection technology, and arranged for it to arrive at the Magic Monastery in her place.

It was inevitable that I would eventually hit some off notes, and when it happens, I'm glad when they are voiced. This concept is probably clumsily introduced. I plan to stick with it, but I'll try to do a better job of making it "fit". :)

>> "Oh no," muttered the Super Wizard From Space, suddenly making the same
>> dangerous realization the ghostly fish were. "The infinite school."
>> From outside the fractal hall suddenly came a chaotic screaming. The
>> entire peak seemed to shake with the force of a million stampeding feet,
>> panic gripping the normally stoic religious men on the mountainous
>> monastery. Dull warning echoed out through the maze-like halls as long
>> unused alarm bells were banged desperately.
>> "Master hero! Master hero!" cried out a young boy, bursting into the
>> hall, ignoring centuries of protocol and tradition in his desperation.
>> "A thousand apologies, master hero! It's the fish! The fish have lost
>> control!
>> "Sharkasaurus Rex is free!"
> That made more sense, though I had to think about it twice.  Of course if there's a challenge on between the Super Wizard and Sharkasaurus Rex, and all interference to the challenge gets lifted, then the challengers are free to engage in the challenge.

Same as above, upon a re-read it does seem like it could have been smoothed out a little better. I'll try to do a stronger review of these type of moments in future issues. Thanks for the feedback! :)

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