LNH: character question

Anal-Retentive Archive Kid saxonbrenton at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 10 17:23:57 PDT 2008

On Thurs 10 July 2008 Andrew Burton (tuglyraisin at aol.com) asked:
> Is there an LNH character named "Wikiac"? The idea being he's a living
> wiki, a spoof on Brainiac 5, someone who thinks he knows everything, but
> often can't answer/decide because that topic is locked for dispute. If
> there's not a character like that, would it be possible for an
> LNH-proto-neophyte to reserve the name?
There is no-one by that exact name, although as Dvandom has noted 
there is the similarly named WikiBoy.  Going by historical precedence 
this should not be a problem, since there have been a number of 
characters in the LNH imprint whose name starts with 'retcon' over the 
Among the numerous characters with information-related powers who 
could be described in one way or another as 'knowing everything' or 
even just 'knowing stuff' there certainly isn't anyone with who would be 
prevented from answering or deciding because the topic is disputed.  
They'd either summarise both sides of the dispute or give their own 
Anal-Retentive Archive Kid
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