Superfreaks/ACRA: Superfreaks Season 3 #1

Martin Phipps martinphipps2 at
Fri Oct 5 03:55:47 PDT 2007


Some people want to believe in Heaven.  It gives them pleasure to
think that there is life after death.

Some people want to believe in life on other planets.  It gives them
pleasure to think that mankind is not alone.

I want to believe that Thomas Jefferson was banging Sally Hemings.

JFK, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luthor King were all killed in the 60s
by lone gunmen who claimed to be patsies.  Twice is a wild
coincidence.  Thrice reeks of conspiracy.

And how about the Abraham Lincoln assinination?  Again, it was
supposed to be a lone gunman who killed him.  But do you realize that
all the people who were in theatre with Lincoln, all those potential
witnesses, are now dead? ;)

Just call me "Conspiracy Lad".


PS: Yes, that is the correct way to spell "theatre".  And its
pronounced "theatrrr": it does not rhyme with "Alabama". :)

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