LNH: The Alt.Riders Story Challenge Spectacular!

Tarq mitchell_crouch at caladrius.com.au
Tue Nov 21 00:03:14 PST 2006

Tom Russell wrote:
> Jamas Enright wrote:
> > Ew, there is some really awkward phraseology in that. And too many uses of
> > similes to get around some of those words. Still, not a bad effort. I
> I would say, from a quick survey of the entries, many of us have relied
> on too many similies to carry the weight of the challenge-- probably
> because it's difficult to craft a literal story that utilizes so many
> nouns.

Actually, I thought that Jamas did about the best job with the words
given to us. I know I, for example, used waaay too many similies in
both of my entries. I didn't think at all when reading this that you'd
used too many.

> How about, you must use the seventy-five words-- *or* *their*
> *derivatives*-- in order?  So, one could conjugate stack into stacks or
> stacked or stacking, or fast into fasting, faster, fastest.
> We'll call this variation the Preserving Sanity Variation. :-)

I suddenly feel as though my sanity has been preserved due to this
variation. Celebrations and joy!

> Thanks for writing, Jamas.  And don't be so hard on yourself-- because
> I think you did swell!



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