Clive D.W. Feather clive at demon.net
Tue Apr 26 23:42:03 PDT 2005

Charles Lindsey said:
> I was one of those people. But above all, I want the following two
> properties to hold:
> A. Assuming 5-1 is not an error, then the effect of
>    LISTGROUP groupname 5-1
> MUST be identical to the effect of
>    LISTGROUP groupname.

Um, that says that 5-1 means "list all articles".

> B. Given that the reported High and Low watermarks are known, then the
> effect of
>    LISTGROUP groupname Low-High
> MUST be identical to the effect of
>    LISTGROUP groupname
> even when the group is empty, which implies that 5-1 means an emtpy range,
> rather than an error.

Having it not be an error is fine, but you're saying 5-1 now means "empty".
You can't have both those properties be true.

Clive D.W. Feather  | Work:  <clive at demon.net>   | Tel:    +44 20 8495 6138
Internet Expert     | Home:  <clive at davros.org>  | Fax:    +44 870 051 9937
Demon Internet      | WWW: http://www.davros.org | Mobile: +44 7973 377646
Thus plc            |                            |

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