ietf-nntp Re: WG Review: Simple Authentication and Security Layer (sasl)

Andrew Gierth andrew at
Fri Dec 20 02:47:58 PST 2002

>>>>> "Rob" == Rob Siemborski <rjs3 at> writes:

 Rob> Then the mandatory to implement mechanism could be something
 Rob> more akin to CRAM-MD5.  Its just there to ensure baseline
 Rob> interoperability.

The mandatory-to-implement mechanism should be one that is actually
useful in the real world, which rules out all the digest-based systems.

This isn't just an issue for outsource providers, it also affects the
ease of deployment of password auth _within_ an ISP, which is
increasingly becoming desirable (replacing pure IP-based auth) simply
because of the open proxy problem. Using a digest-based auth mechanism
requires that the ISP keep a whole new copy of their password file on
the news server, rather than being able to simply make the news server
do RADIUS (or whatever) queries against existing authentication systems.


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