ietf-nntp Simplification of wildmat

Maurizio Codogno mau at
Thu May 3 00:03:22 PDT 2001

On 30 Apr 2001 10:05:00 -0700
Russ Allbery <rra at> wrote:

> I note that both of these support comma and negation, so I guess there's
> also a third proposal, namely to remove that as well from the wildmat
> description, ban ',' and '!', and describe the matching in the text of the
> one command that historically supports it.

Since in the document we say that "It clarifies some vagueness in RFC 
977, includes some new base functionality", I think taht the extension
may be worth. A note explaining that it is a behaviour change is 
anyway welcomed.

> I think this is close to the last major outstanding issue.

So, we may end before RFC3977 is issued? :-)

ciao, .mau.

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