Approaching Infinity: The Space Adventure Roguelike is back in active development!

IBOL saunders72 at
Fri Jun 26 14:33:24 PDT 2020

Approaching Infinity: The Space Adventure Roguelike is back under control of its original developer and is coming to Steam August 7th 2020.

What is Approaching Infinity?

A sci-fi turn-based, tile-based classical rogue-like of great depth and scope, with an infinite universe and a modern user interface.

Choose your captain, ship, and skill-set then set off to explore space, planets, shipwrecks, star-temples, caves, and more. Meet 12 sentient alien races, find out what they want, and help them if you can. Find, buy, or craft a never-ending array of equipment and devices for your ship and landing party. Hire skilled officers to join your quest. Contract horrible alien diseases. Complete any one of 9 different paths to victory...

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