Triangle Wizard R 15.04 released

getter77 brian13137 at
Wed Oct 24 12:17:58 PDT 2012

"Hello everyone!

It is almost Triangle Wizard Day! Only a few more days until the game
exists for four years. Let us celebrate with another update! There is
a new class (thx Delekti for the inspiration!), a new quest and a new
random level and a few graphical upgrades for a few spells. Also
included are a new devious form of trap; wall mounted traps! Another
thing that is going to be useful is the ability to toggle talents so
you can deactivate talents temporarily.

Patch R 15.04 Notes

-The Dungeons and Decorating quest now also allows lava (for the
Dungeon Master) and (un)holy water as water.
-Holy, acid and unholy water now correctly works with the Brinelady
-Fixed a few typos.
-Color Blast has a new visual effect if you have the Mesmerizing
Colors talent.
-Friendly Cloud of Ashes spells do not obscure sight as much.
-Cursed items now also sparkle if powerfully cursed and they are on
the ground.
-Gemini's priest power now works correctly with tiles.
-Corrected some starting spell levels for the Blackguard and Zombie
Master classes.
-Added the Fool class, an insane mage whose abilities increase via
cursed items.
-Fixed a crash involving Wuzeare's priest ability and fixed an error
that stopped it from functioning properly.
-Upgraded the visual of Swirling Stars a bit.
-Total item level is now visible in the inventory (this is
particularly of use to the new Fool class).
-Save games now have an extension identifying the game version.
-Traps can now also be mounted inside walls.
-Traps can now have spell talents.
-Many talents can now be deactivated (and reactivated later if needed)
in the talent screen.
-Another fix for the crash on victory bug.
-Added the Dread More late game quest.
-Added the Trollmire random level.
-Fixed a bug that caused some quest creatures to be spawned inside
-Added the Cloaking Aura.
-Crusade should no longer spawn creatures outside the level
-Cursed Potions of Level Up can no longer be used in unique levels.
-Umbral Blot can now fly.
-Maevalin's random talents can no longer make him immune to damage.
-Added Delekti's Plot Hole as a unique drop.
-Updated the visual for Fury a bit."

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