Triangle Wizard R 15.05 released

getter77 brian13137 at
Tue Nov 20 13:34:41 PST 2012

"Hello everyone!

I have rolled out another patch. Due to time constraints it is mostly
bug fixes, but there are also a few quality of life updates.

Patch R 15.05 Notes:

-More fixing for crashes at victory.
-The Nameless One can now cast Teleport.
-Fixed an error with the Scroll of Tartarus that caused it to decrease
the chances at receiving resistance power ups instead of increasing
-Added an option to increase game speed, use with caution!
-ESC menu options now show keyboard shortcuts.
-Added keyboard shortcut for shifting dimensions.
-Enhanced visual of Fury.
-Fixed a major oversight that caused erratic power up drop behavior at
later stages of the game.
-Added the Averin's Ecstasy talent."

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