Necklace of the Eye roguelike frontend, version 5.0

Z zeno at
Tue Jan 17 17:46:43 PST 2012

Necklace of the Eye (NotEye in short) is an frontend to modify the output
of roguelikes. It works with roguelikes which use the system console
(e.g. via curses) for their output, and since version 5.0 it also works
with libtcod 1.5.1. It currently has the following features:

* Tested under MS Windows and Linux

* Display the roguelike just like it would be displayed in DOS, using the
  correct font, colors, and full screen (note: if you need only this
  feature, you might also use the simpler utility cons2tcod)

* Show the game using one of several graphical modes:

  - plain ASCII
  - big tile mode
  - mini-tile mode (tiles of the size of ASCII characters)
  - First Person Perspective (FPP)
  - isometric perspective mode

* Choose one of several fonts

* Streaming: you can make a recording of your game and then play it 
  (videos can be annotated with messages and you can control speed),
  you can also host a server where clients can connect to and watch your
  game, share comments about it (with you and other clients) and even
  control your character if you wish 

* Move your character using mouse, and add sound effects based on
  in-game messages

* Take screenshots in several formats: BMP (image), HTML (for webpages),
  and phpBB (used for many kinds of online forums)

* Change the control scheme, for example you can make it easier to
  play a 8-directional roguelike on a laptop by using Shift/Ctrl+Left/Right
  arrows for diagonal movements, allow VI keys, or allow arrow movement
  for roguelikes which support only VI keys by default

* Lua scripting, allowing lots of flexibility in adapting NotEye to new
  roguelikes, giving additional features to the game (e.g., automatic
  creation of characters), or even creating new roguelikes in NotEye 
* and several more minor features.

Hydra Slayer 13.0 is included to show the capabilities of NotEye (there
is a complete tileset, you can see the game using square or hex tile
graphics, first person perspective, and plain ASCII, you can play with
mouse and have sound effects). Also very basic configurations are provided
for ADOM, Crawl, DoomRL, Frozen Depths, and Brogue. These include most
ground and wall tiles, other things are shown with ASCII. You are invited
to provide more complete tilesets for these or other roguelikes! Some
people don't play these great games just because they cannot stand ASCII.
Creating tilesets for them would be helpful.

NotEye website now contains links to some videos taken when playing 
DoomRL, Hydra Slayer, and Brogue via NotEye. It also contains
static screenshots and more information. Have fun!

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