KleinRL: 7DRL failure, 14DRL success!

S D kleinroguelike at gmail.com
Mon Oct 25 10:15:49 PDT 2010

Hi everyone,
Two weeks ago I started a 7DRL project. After a week I'd made more
progress than ever before on a roguelike (I hadn't completed a
roguelike before), but not made a playable game. I decided to try the
project as a 14DRL instead, and the result is KleinRL!

Download link: http://sliekas.org/quendus/kleinrl.zip
Roguebasin article: http://roguebasin.roguelikedevelopment.org/index.php?title=KleinRL

The game requires python and curses bindings. The file to run is
kleinrl.py, but have a glance at rtfm.txt (reproduced here) first:

> kleinrl.py is the file to run.
> kleinRL is set on the surface of a klein bottle,
> which is rather different from a torus.
> kleinRL requires python and a python curses module.
> 'd'iggers like to move the walls around; they can cause inconvenience.
> 'z'ombies just walk around randomly; they're annoying.
> 'h' is supposed to be running away from you, but can be vicious when cornered.
> 'B' and 'D' want to kill you!
> all of these might have picked up nice equipment from the floor.
> equipment is green, consumables are blue.
> better equipment will generally have a cooler name.
> you can walk with vi keys or number keys. you can only rest with 5.
> press 'p<dir>' to 'p'ick up a piece of the wall and do the
> same again to drop it in an empty space.
> press 'w[-](0-9)' to 'w'ear/'w'ield a piece of equipment from
> inventory or floor (no rings on toes or other silliness)
> press 'g(0-9)' to 'g'et an item from the floor (identifier required if there's more than one item)
> press 'd[-](0-9)' to 'd'rop an item from inventory or equipment (free action)
> press 'e' to list current 'e'quipment
> press 'i[-](0-9)' to 'i'nspect items in inventory/equipment. Only really useful in debug.
> press 't(0-9)' to 't'ake off equipment
> press 'q[-][(0-1)' to 'q'uaff a potion from inventory or floor
> press 'r[-][(0-1)' to 'r'ead a scroll from inventory or floor
> press 'x<dir>*' to e'x'amine tiles
> press '{[-](0-9)' to inscribe an item (overwriting previous inscription)
> press '}[-](0-9)' to uninscribe an item from inventory or equipment
> press 'P' to pray for potentially useful effects (or a smiting)
> press 'Qy' to quit

Warnings: code is quite spaghettified due to 2 all-nighters and less
than 14 days spent actually working on the project; code isn't yet
optimised for speed, though in a turn-based roguelike that's only a
problem if you want to play on legacy hardware.

Advice, comments, criticism, berations, and especially bug reports
welcome. (but be gentle, this is my first completed RL)


emails should be sent to "quendus" at google's domain for email,
rather than this address, which is sacrificed on the spam altar.

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