No subject

Thu Jul 8 06:00:04 PDT 2010

Umbra is a general purpose framework for applications that use libtcod,
mainly games. It is thought to provide a "module player" functionality
more than anything else, meaning that it lacks any out-of-the-box support
for game logic or other game elements. The game/app developer will still
need to write everything from scratch, but Umbra will help divide the game
into manageable chunks, or modules. Also, the engine takes control over
the main game loop and screen flushing, provides a global keybindings
method and lets the developer define module-specific keybindings.

Umbra is released under the BSD licence and thus may be freely used by
anyone for any purpose.

You can download the initial Umbra release, ver. 10.09 alpha, here:

A forum is also provided for all you people wanting to ask questions,
report bugs, ask for new features, etc.:

Ultimately, you may also check Umbra out from its SVN repository. The SVN
version contains a few extra files: a Code::Blocks 10.05 project and a
work in progress Space Invaders clone using Umbra:


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