Frozen Depths 1.04 released

Glowie glowie at
Mon Aug 30 12:57:47 PDT 2010

Hello fellow roguelikers!

I'm here again, now with the final 1.04 release, for Macintosh as well
(thanks Dana!). Thankfully the beta version was surprisingly bug free,
not much was needed to get it to the final shape.

Here's what I offer if you didn't check the beta:

*A pool of 50 handcrafted floors, 5 of these are picked for every game
for you to explore. Out of depth items, superior monsters and some
evil level designs ahead.
*New level up screen with a new option for advancement
*The option to skip the first 10 easy floors for veterans and get
immediately into the challenge
*Overhaul of monster damages and many other balance related things
*Better monster AI in certain dangerous situations
*New items, monster abilities, prefixes, skills, a new dungeon feature
*Convenient additions like the quick move feature following corridors,
praying giving you less obscure choices, better targeting system, a
button to swiftly change quick skill etc.
*And a whole lot more

The version info serves you if you want specifics of what was changed,
or if you didn't check the beta release, there's a link to it on the
front page. The shift+direction quick move addition might not work on
all terminals, Windows works, but at least not all Linux terminals
work. I'll look into that more next time, but I've drained my
programming juices for now so I can't be bothered, Windows is by far
the most popular platform anyway.

Feedback is always, always, always accepted with great appreciation,
so if you like the game and would like to see 1.05 some day, drop me
some text. The preferred way is the contact page since Hotmail drops
mails into bit-nothingness sometimes, but if you want to risk the
small chance, I'll gladly accept emailed feedback as well.

For more info about this cold game, and the download of course, head

Good luck!


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