LNH20: Looniverse Fight Chronicles Trading Card Game #13: Velaria

Drew Nilium pwerdna at gmail.com
Wed Sep 27 21:02:35 PDT 2023

Velaria (Ranger L2/Priestess L3)
<High Fantasy> <Dungeon Crawl> <Hero>
[Slayers of the Net] [Elves]
Root Directory: Isekai Worlds
Source Key: Jeanne Morningstar
First Appearance: Prelude to a Prologue

Bittersweet Remembrance - Whenever you Resolve a Flashback, you gain +1 Drama.
Seasoned Adventurer - Velaria gets +1 to any Voice when she matches it with a 

Wit: 5
Whimsy: 3
Determination: 5
Charm: 3
Puzzle-Solving: 4
Elbow Grease: 4
Edge: 2
Nonsense: 2
Groundedness: 2
Chill: 3

"In the name of the Moon and the Sun, I shall not lose any more companions."


Drew Nilium

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