LNH: Looniverse Fight Chronicles Trading Card Game #0: Designer's Notes

Scott Eiler seiler at eilertech.com
Wed Sep 13 12:08:29 PDT 2023

On 2023-09-10 21:17, Drew Nilium wrote:
> So, this isn't an actual game, yet. It's an art project in the form of a 
> trading card game, and part of the fun is figuring out the rules by 
> reading the cards. I've tried to come up with a coherent set of rules 
> that these cards follow, but quite frankly, I've been prioritizing 
> flavor and evocativeness; if I were to make this into an actual game, 
> I'd probably have to change a lot.

In the 1990s I came up with a functioning card game for my own 
characters:  Omniverse the Card Game.  Early solitaire playtesting had 
stuff like monsters getting sent to Hell, then catching a ride out on a 
passing spaceship, while the Happy Bears got recruited for a crusade.

About five years ago I revisited the game, and put in a "House Player" 
for solitaire play.  That playtest came down to Total Conversion 
(representing the Playtester, if I remember correctly) vs. Evil Wyatt 
Ferguson (House Player) during an omniversal merge.  That confrontation 
was equalized when Evil Wyatt drew a Solar Flare Cannon card. 
Fortunately he was evil, so he could use it, and House Player rules said 
he had to.  Unfortunately, the cannon tends to blow up the entire Earth 
if anything goes wrong - and it did.  With all the Earths having merged, 
*everything* blew up and the player characters all ended up in Limbo. 
Game victory went to a couple of devil priests from a dystopian world, 
because they had at least escaped their world.  8{D>

... Anyway, here in the modern age, if you ever come up with rules for 
your game, you could probably hold a Zoom meeting and find some real 
playtesters.  8{D>

> All that said! Here are some helpful tips:
> LNHers are Heroes.
> Conflicts are Interactions.
> Characters with a 0 Voice can't bring, show, or match that Voice.
> The default Scale is Human.
> Blowing this Popsicle Stand counts as Blowing the Scene.
> Hope you enjoy!
> Drew Nilium

-- (signed) Scott Eiler  8{D> ------ http://www.eilertech.com/ -------

"Your Royal Highness, instead of devoting yourself exclusively
to Minerva, should, instead, rather offer sacrifice at the altars
of Bacchus, Orpheus, Venus, and Morpheus."

- Advice to Prince Duarte of Portugal.  From "The golden age of
Prince Henry the Navigator", by Joaquim Pedro Oliveira Martins.
Coming soon to Project Gutenberg.

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