LNH: Looniverse Fight Chronicles Trading Card Game #32: Occultism Kid III

Drew Nilium pwerdna at gmail.com
Wed Oct 25 21:15:43 PDT 2023

Occultism Kid III (Newly Ascendant)
<Urban Fantasy> <LNHer>
Root Directory: Looniverse-A
Source Keys: Jeanne Morningstar, Josh Geurink, August Paul Yang
First Appearance: WikiLull #12

Alchemical Marriage: Initiate to the Mysteries - At the beginning of your turn, 
you may spend 1 Comedy or Adventure and 1 wReamEntropy. If you do, flip a coin. 
If you win the flip, you gain 4 Drama.
Consult the Wisdom of Past Masters - Tapivate: Look at the top two cards of the 
First Draft Deck. You may put one of them on the bottom of the Deck.

Wit: 4
Whimsy: 2
Determination: 6
Charm: 1
Puzzle-Solving: 4
Elbow Grease: 3
Edge: 2
Nonsense: 5
Groundedness: 4
Chill: 3

"I am a humble petitioner to the workings of the cosmos... but I'm afraid I'm 
not very good at being humble."


Drew Nilium

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