LNH: Looniverse Fight Chronicles Trading Card Game #30: Kid Enthusiastic Double-Junior

Drew Nilium pwerdna at gmail.com
Sat Oct 21 17:55:42 PDT 2023

Kid Enthusiastic Double-Junior (3-Star Angel)
<Science Fantasy> <Silliness> <Hero> <Server>
[Time Travelers]
Root Directory: Toybox of Legends
Source Key: Drew Nilium
First Appearance: Cover Gallery #1i

Ultimate Fanfiction: Kid Enthusiastic Fantastic [Whimsical Beam] (Fixed on Villains)
Existence Snowglobe: Amethyst Osaka - All characters get -3 Edge and +3 Whimsy, 
and add the <Silliness> Genre.

Wit: 1
Whimsy: 7
Determination: 3
Charm: 4
Puzzle-Solving: 4
Elbow Grease: 2
Edge: 1
Nonsense: 5
Groundedness: 1
Chill: 2

"Let's go let's go let's do it let's do it!!"


Drew Nilium

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