LNH20: Looniverse Fight Chronicles Trading Card Game #23: Sexy-Disturbed-Sparkly-Vampire Man

Drew Nilium pwerdna at gmail.com
Sun Oct 15 10:51:32 PDT 2023

Sexy-Disturbed-Sparkly-Vampire Man (Dynamic Detective)
<Urban Fantasy> <Parody> <Anti-Hero>
Root Directory: Looniverse-20
Source Keys: Jeanne Morningstar, Arthur Spitzer
First Appearance: LNH20 Comics Presents #1

Clue Analyzer Machine - When SDSVM matches Puzzle-Solving with a Comedy 
character, his Puzzle-Solving becomes !!!.
Seductive Sparkles - Tapivate: Target character becomes Enthralled until another 
character wins a match of Charm with SDSVM.

Wit: 1
Whimsy: 2
Determination: 3
Charm: 6
Puzzle-Solving: 4
Elbow Grease: 3
Edge: 4
Nonsense: 5
Groundedness: 1
Chill: 1

"In the grim darkness of the city of Net.ropolis, there is only... something... 
dark. And grim. ...like the night."


Drew "just going to catch up today" Nilium

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