LNH: Classic LNH Adventures #307: Multi-Tasking Man LS Part Two

Arthur Spitzer arspitzer2 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 5 12:56:26 PST 2023

And we're back in the past and can check the eyrie archive 
once again.

And here's where you can find The Multi-Tasking Man miniseries:


And we have Multi-Tasking Man #2 by MTM creator Jeff Coleburn!
Is it time for Multi-Tasking Man to drink one of the SPECIAL
Cokes?!  And is Multi-Tasking Man going to destroy all of the
combat droids or we will he leave some to be destroyed by future

Find out in...

             | |      Classic			
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             |____|   \__]    \__ |  |_|   \__/   |_|\_\
                                |_|  OF NET.HEROES

                                    ADVENTURES #307

                     Multi-Tasking Man LS Part Two

From: jecoleb at eos.ncsu.edu (have clue, will travel)
Subject: I.B.: Multi-Tasking Man LS (part 2 of ?)
Newsgroups: alt.comics.lnh
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1993 21:29:19 GMT

Because NOBODY demanded it...

                       "Innocent Bystander"
      --The Multi-Tasking Man Limited Series, Part Two (of ?)--


    Multi-Tasking Man wandered down the hall after his improptu demonstration
of his new power-gauntlets, giddy with the anticipation of finally being able
to PROVE himself.  Sure, he was a major contributor to LNH activities, and had
already proved himself capable in a scrap, but at times even his legendary
resolve was tested by the boredom of a desk job...

    He passed the Coke machine, freshly dented (as usual), and paused for a
moment, foraging through his pocket for some change.


    *CLICK*  A hidden relay inside the Coke machine kicked into action,
activating a miniscule radio communicator...

    "Send out one of my SPECIAL Cokes," a deep voice intoned quietly.

    "You sure, boss?"

    "Do it."


     As the hero fumbled for another quarter, *ka-THUMP* a Coke plopped down
into the slot.

     "Hmmm," he thought, "that's one screwed up machine.  I'll have to tinker
with it later, if it's so banged up that it's throwing Cokes out at random."

     Drinking it down rapidly, Multi-Tasking Man stood transfixed for a moment,
then dashed back the lab, carrying his armor under one arm.


    In the Peril Room, about an hour or two later, Rebel Yell, Ultimate Ninja
and Contraption Man stood in the operator's booth, waiting for Multi-Tasking
Man to show up for his combat evaluation.

    "I wonder just what he HAS built into that harness," pondered Contraption
Man.  "It looked pretty good in action earlier..."

    "I'll start him off with a program designed around his old power levels,
and see how high he can take it," replied Rebel Yell.  "He should be here
any time now..."


    All eyes in the room snapped to the figure in the doorway; whereas Multi-
Tasking Man had worn a mere harness before, now he bore a full suit of combat
armor, glowing white with energy!

    "Let's get this show on the road," he intoned.  "I feel like trashing
some robots!"

    "What happened to your gauntlets, Multi-Tasking Man?" asked Contraption

    "They weren't POWERFUL enough for me, so I started over from scratch.  I
think this armor should have the desired effect."

    Rebel Yell laughed.  "Hope so, 'cause here's your first wave of 'bots..."
    A row of combat droids plopped onto the floor and advanced on the hero,
blasters ready to reduce him to powder.  The only reaction Multi-Tasking Man
gave, however, was a snicker.  "Better warm up the advanced program, Reb...
Here, I'll clear the room for ya."

    *FWOOSH!*  A burst of plasma sizzled across the room, and six attack
droids quickly became part of the floor tiles.

    Up in the booth, more than one person blinked.  "Focused plasma... whoa,"
whistled Contraption Man.  "Not bad at all."

    Rebel Yell thought for a moment, then said into the microphone, "I'll
recalibrate for maximum... hope you're up for it."  Aside, he murmured, "What
do YOU think, Ultimate Ninja...  Ninja?  Where'd he go?"

    Down in the Peril Room, energy began to fly in every direction as Multi-
Tasking Man cut loose against wave after wave of combat droids.  So far, none
of their attacks had even scratched the fresh paint on his battle armor.

    "Maybe Multi-Tasking LORD would be a better title," he smirked, as he
sent a row of droids flying with a single blow...

    "Think fast," said a voice from above.  Multi-Tasking Man whirled to see
Ultimate Ninja dropping from the ceiling, a handful of Ninja Bush ready.

    "I did," he replied, as his armored eyes gleamed bright blue, and a huge
force blast ripped across the room...

    "UN, you IDIOT... that room's set for MAXIMUM INTENSITY!" Rebel Yell cried,
as he frantically began shutting down combat systems.

    "So is that ARMOR..." mumbled Contraption Man.


    In a darkened lair, a low chuckle was heard.  "This is working out even
better than I'd hoped.  Not only will he make a spectacular puppet, but he
might take out one of my greatest foes, as well."

    With an evil leer, the dark figure clicked "Record" on the VCR.


Should Multi-Tasking Man switch to decaf?  Who will get pulped?  What's the
new secret ingredient in Coca-Cola?  Who's going to draw the splash pages?
Will Scav and wReam trust me when I say that it'll all work out, honestly? ;)

More to come...

     jecoleb at eos.ncsu.edu      \\        pope at aza.csc.ncsu.edu    
 "I don't know where you took   --=--   To KLH: Love ya, Katya!
 me, but I didn't want to leave."   \\  have clue, will travel.


Next Week:  More Multi-Tasking Man!!


Arthur "Same Classic Channel.  But Same Time?  Probably not." Spitzer 

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