LNH: Classic LNH Adventures #288: Panta #1

Arthur Spitzer arspitzer2 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 4 14:07:12 PDT 2023

And we're back in the past and can check the eyrie archive 
once again.

And here's where you can find the Panta Miniseries as well as other
Panta comics: 


And another Integrity Questers Miniseries!  

We have Panta #1 by Hubert Bartels!  Is it time for the LNH'rs to
break out the black armbands to honor that great fallen hero
Zuperman (who is definitely dead and never coming back to life)!?
Will Background Boy's Death of Zuperman comic investments pay for
his kids College tuition?!  And can Panta avoid Copyright Kid and
Trademark Lass as she tries to hunt down Feral!?

Find out in...

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                                    ADVENTURES #288

                                Panta #1

Date: Sat, 17 Dec 1994 17:58:07 -0700
From: Hubert Bartels <hgb at catalina.opt-sci.Arizona.EDU>
Subject: panta.1


[ This first issue of a short four run set features Panta walking away from
  Lost Cause Boy, Kid Anarky, Rochester and Playmax in the classic Rob
  Liefield cover of New Mutants #99 after the other classic cover by Jim Byrne.]

The first page shows Lost Cause Boy in his rooms at the LNH HQ. He is
surrounded by the usual sights of a very expensive hotel room - fine
furniture, gilded mirrors, tapestries on the walls and expensive hand-woven
Persian rugs on the floor. He is talking to Panta. She, in her skimpy blue
bodysuit and red leather collar and bell is sitting on a Louis XIVth
commode; actually perching on top of the inlaided wood top.

"What I don't understand is why you ran off with Kid Anarky," Lost Cause Boy
repeated. "Don't I mean anything to you anymore? Have you already forgotten?
What is happening to us..."

Panta shook her head slowly. "It's not like that, Lost Cause Boy.  I mean,
Kid Anarky has a wife and two children. Right?"


"Not now, Lost Cause Boy." Panta said slowly. She looked up at him, a slow
anger beginning to show in her green eyes. "I've got other things to think
about." **

**[ Panta's referring to the shocking news that the head of E.R.N.I.E. is
    her father, as revealed in Integrity Quest #17 -- fascinating HGB.]

"But we started-"

"No-" Panta began to cut him off. The sound of someone's footsteps outside
the room caught their attention. The two looked as someone with a black
armband snuck past the open door with a bundle of bagged comics. When he had
gone, Panta and Lost Cause Boy turned back to each other.

"I have got to go to New York City!" Panta continued. "I have to ask Feral,
ask her if what Defacto said is true."

"He could have been lying, you know." Lost Cause Boy said simply. "Said
something, anything to get back at us for upsetting his plans, something
you and that Kid Anarky did manage to do while cuddling in that-"

"Squeak, squeak, squeak," came something down the hall.

Panta hopped off the piece of furniture and catfooted over to the open door.
She slipped one furry hand over her collar's bell to keep it silent. With a
wave of her other hand, she motioned Lost Cause Boy to be silent.

Then the leopard girl leaped out into the hallway.

Looking rather pale, Background Boy stood in front of her. He wore a black
armband with a 'S' on one arm. Behind him was a handtruck filled with bagged
and wrapped comics, each black with a bleeding 'S'.

"So..." Panta began, "whatcha' doing?"

Background Boy looked up and down the hallway. "Nothing?" he ventured.

"What are those?" Lost Cause Boy said as he reached his doorway.

"Nothing?" Background Boy offered.

Lost Cause Boy stepped in front of Panta and picked up one of the black plastic
bags. "Panta, if you please," he said, tossing it to her.  Panta opened it with
one of her claws.

Background Boy shrieked. "It's worthless, it's worthless, you ruined it!"

Panta turned the opened bag upside down and emptied the contents on the floor
of the hallway. She crouched down to examine the comic, the armband and the
trading card. "I don't understand," she finally said. "how can this be valuable?
A badly written comic, some felt and a trading card?"

"But it's the biggest thing to hit comics! It's the DEATH OF ZUPERMAN." They're
only printing a really small number in the first printing. So the really mint
issues are going to be really valuable someday. Perhaps even as valuable as
an Uncanny X-Men #1."

"Small number, eh?" Lost Cause Boy mused. He stirred the pages of the comic
with his foot. "How small? 300? 1500? Maybe 3000?"

"No, no, no, only 3,000,000 are being printed. There's not going to be enough
to go around!"

Panta slowly stood up, the comic, armband, and trading card in hand. "Lost Cause
Boy, I still don't understand."

"Here, give me those!" Background Boy said. He snatched the stuff from Panta's
paws and quickly wheeled the handtruck of bagged comics into his room.

Panta and Lost Cause Boy returned to his room. She left the door open since
she really wasn't supposed to be up here.

"So, nothing I say will change your mind?" Lost Cause Boy continued. "You're
determined to find out the real truth?"

"Yes, definitely," Panta said, shaking her head up and down, ringing her collar

Another person passed the open door with a stack of black-bagged comics,
giggling greedily.

"And why can't I and Rochester come along? You're not taking that Kid Anarky
along are you!?"

"Because," Panta replied wearily, "I'm going into Marvel terrority, into a
place that Normals never see. You'll just stumble into things and get us all
killed. And Kid Anarky can't go; he has his wife and children to think of."


"AHA!" came a harsh voice from the doorway.

Panta and Lost Cause Boy turned as one. Standing in the hallway was the
Self-Righteous Preacher, a black armband around his arm. "I have been told
of this and now, once again, I find you sinning!" A gnarled finger stabbed
in Panta's direction. "You know you are not allowed up here." The gnarled
finger swung to Lost Cause Boy. "And you know that pets are not allowed in
the LNH living quarters."

Standing behind the Self-Righteous Preacher were several other LNH'ers and
Background Boy, each wearing a black armband.

"Lost Cause Boy, you're going to BURN-IN-H*LL(tm) for violating LNH rules.
And you, you mutant, I'm not even going to pronounce doom on you; you're
beyond any salvation." With a self-satisfied smile, the Self-Righteous Preacher
collected his robes and left.

Background Boy smirked. "Got you back for ruining my comic." Then he followed
the Preacher down the hallway.

"How did the LNH let that guy in anyway?" Panta asked Lost Cause Boy.

"Founding Member?" Lost Cause Boy quipped.

Then the remaining LNH'ers entered the room to toss Panta out.

"Wait a minute! She's going. She's leaving!" Lost Cause Boy said frantically.

Panta gathered herself together and unsheathed her claws. "You're about to
make a mistake. A big mistake," she growled. Her tail whipped back and forth.
"A big mistake..."

		  *                  *                    *

"Owww!" Panta stood up, rubbing the base of her tail where she hit the concrete
outside the LNH building. A small duffelbag of her belongings landed beside her.

"And don't come back until you're ready to behave yourself!" shouted one of
the LNH squad that tossed her out. They turned and paraded back inside.

Only a few friends watched silently as she threw the duffelbag over her
shoulder and began to walk off.

[ The final scene reprises the cover. Panta walking away from the LNH in
  the New Mutants #99 pose. But this scene has a BACKGROUND! So, what will
  become of Panta? Will we rip off any more covers? See the next issue of
  Panta. ]

Lost Cause Boy (tm) Douglas P. Wojtowicz, Kid Anarky (tm) Stephane Savoie
Panta ( ^_^ ) Hubert Bartels.

Hubert Bartels          INTERNET: hgb at catalina.opt-sci.arizona.edu
Optical Sciences Center (602)-621-2032            FAX: (602)-621-4416
University of Arizona   Surf the Famous springs of Jyushenkyou!
Tucson, AZ, USA 85721                            It'll change your life!  


Next Week:  Does it feel hotter all of a sudden?!  Is that A FLAME WAR
              Blazing its way towards us?!!!!


Arthur "Same Classic Channel.  But Same Time?  Probably not." Spitzer 

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