LNH/HYPE: Look what the cat's planning to drag into RACC in October!

Arthur Spitzer arspitzer2 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 23 14:21:00 PDT 2022

And the Lady looked into the mirror and she saw nothing.  Why did she keep doing this every day?  
It was as if she expected some miracle would happen and this long nightmare would finally be over 
and it would all return back to the way it had been.  But no.  That wasn't going to happen.  And 
she looked at the mirror only seeing the beautiful room that she slept in.  Her beautiful pale 
white finger with its very beautiful obsidian black fingernail scrawled at the mirror as if to 
provoke its non existent mirror doppelganger on the other side to show itself.  But nothing.

Her skin seemed to be a pale white at first glance, but maybe it really was the tone of what ever 
you really desired.  As was the hair that dangled from her head -- was it blonde, red, black, 
maybe a purple, or a blue -- or who knows -- maybe every color?  Well, you know what color it was 
when you saw it.  And she wore a very magnificent tight black dress, but there were all these 
tears all over it.  But they just seemed to make it look even more lovely.  But her face...

Before The Change.  Before the Bomb.  During that previous life where she had these powers and had 
been a part of this team -- The Legion.  Well, The Old Legion -- that had been one of the great 
things about her powers.  To just gaze into a mirror and see that beautiful perfect face.  She 
could have stared at that face for hours.  But there was nothing now.  Nothing at all.  And maybe 
it was just as well.  Sure, everyone told her how beautiful she looked.  They were always 
complementing her.  But maybe they were just afraid of her and didn't dare tell her the truth.  
The truth of how hideous and ugly she really was.  They couldn't tell her that she had the face of 
a monster.  A horrible monster.  No.  They couldn't tell her that.  She was Lady Ripper -- 
although no one would ever dare call her that.  No, she was just The Lady.  And they were all 
afraid of her.  Very afraid.

She turned her head and walked towards a large window that gave a great view of The Headquarters 
Courtyard and gazed at The Black Circle in the sky.  Was it the Sun?  The Moon?  Hard to say 
anymore.  And surrounding it was a Crimson Sky.  The sky made her feel hungry.  No, you don't need 
that.  You already had your dinner.  Just wait till tomorrow.  She could see various demons 
flapping around and occasionally disappearing into The Black Circle.  She could hear the 
werewolves howling at that Black Circle.  She looked at the various zombies that were stumbling 
around.  They were hungry too.  She closed the curtain and walked over to her dresser.

There was a secret compartment in the dresser for her various secrets.  Various mementos of The 
Old World were in it.  She took out a photo.  It was a picture of a very ordinary looking lady 
next to a very ordinary guy.  And a couple of very ordinary looking kids were also next to them.  
And they all looked so happy.  So very happy.  But they were all dead now.  The Bomb had killed 
them all.

The lady in the photo had a name.  Tara Shreds.  For awhile she had been a villain, a traitor, and 
maybe for a little bit -- a hero.  But she abandoned all that to live the life of an ordinary 
person.  And she did do that and found some happiness from that.  But it all ended too soon.

Lady Ripper felt so sad looking at this dead woman and her dead family.  Sometimes she wished she 
could cry a million tears.  Or even just one.  But she couldn't seem to be able to do that.  Was 
it because she was a monster and monsters couldn't cry?  Maybe that was it.

She put the photo back and shut the secret compartment.  Sometimes she wished for some great 
Miracle that would wipe away this current world and return it to how it had been.  She wanted that 
so bad.

But there were no more Miracles left in this world.  None.

The Last Holiday Miracle Pet had died years ago.

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                                           |   ^^ \/ ^^  |   
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                           The BLOOD 

                                Scrawled CRYSTAL SKULL 

                                             of the NAMER BOY

                                      -- Documentary Project: SEASON Four #4

Arthur "BE AFRAID!!!!!!!" Spitzer

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