LNH: Hungry, Hungry Sabertooths! #6pi (October 2020B): ""18.84955592154... Plus an Excess of Enthusiasm Means Big Trouble For Simplicity!"

Scott Eiler seiler at eilertech.com
Sun Oct 25 20:02:38 PDT 2020

On 2020-10-25 19:02, Drew Nilium wrote:

> Mashup Laq sat in their room and squinted at the video-intercom image of a pair
> of fighting figures in the lobby of the LNHQ. "Imperilus the Avenging Son,
> right? What are you doing here, dude?"

Writer's Note:  *Exterminating* Son, technically.  The name seemed cool 
in the 1990s.  But yeah, that name is old history and he seems to be 
happy to drop it.  Since Imperilus is now a publicly sourced character, 
what you say about him goes forward!

> Imperilus grinned. "When my world got gnarly messed up, the demon duck brought
> me here to fight superheroes! And damn, you guys fight hard! I love it!"
> Mashup Laq pinched the bridge of their nose. "Right. Well, look..."

I endorse this message.


> Chaos Theory carefully sorted thru the different writers' viewpoints. Drew's,
> Jeanne's, Arthur's, Scott's... there was a lot of passion for the LNH here, and
> a lot of gleeful silliness, but there was something deeper, more negative, that
> was a constant...
> Aha. Of course. Fear - a fear tied to the genesis of Earth-Combover. The
> bone-deep dread of the possibility that the upcoming election would go the wrong
> way, trapping the Real World in the same kind of awfulness that threatened the
> Looniverse.

I endorse Chaos Theory's analysis.

> Well. Could they do anything about that?
> Chaos Theory sat just outside the story, and thought...

If he waits a week or two, he'll get his answer.  That's about as much 
time as Psychovant will need to get all the massages he needs *while* 
teaching public school in the meantime...  Hey, Chaos Theory, Psychovant 
knows a good masseuse![*]

* Not true in real life, at least not in a practical sense for either of us.

-- (signed) Scott Eiler  8{D> ------ http://www.eilertech.com/ -------

The soldiers presented a pathetic but inspiring spectacle. The
hospitals were crowded with sick and wounded; the walls were
gradually crumbling under incessant shell fire, yet that garrison
of heroes remained undaunted.

It was as Buck said, "just as if they had been Americans."

- from "The Airship Boys in the Great War", De Lysle F. Cass, 1915.
Coming soon to Project Gutenberg.  gutenberg.org

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