LNH20: Bite-Size Tales of the LNH v20 #22

Drew Nilium pwerdna at gmail.com
Sat May 23 15:42:51 PDT 2020

On 5/22/2020 8:43 PM, Tom Russell wrote:
> The new one is very good and, yes, very queer. I am a few episodes into season five and I am
> *very* invested in many of the characters. I particularly admire what they're doing with
> Catra -- they do a really good job of capturing what it is to have a toxic/abusive family,
> the pain and anger that comes with it. They let her be damaged and have baggage and be
> complicated, while still extending a lot of humanity and empathy to her.

Yessssssss. <3 That is in all ways My Jam.

Drew "jam session" Nilium

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