SW10/WWW: Powernaut 2008 #7: Power Class!

Scott Eiler seiler at eilertech.com
Thu May 21 21:07:18 PDT 2020

On 2020-05-21 09:18, Drew Nilium wrote:
> On 4/7/2020 12:39 AM, Scott Eiler wrote:
>> In Reality House this week, Coach Powernaut teaches Power Class for 
>> the very first time!
>> http://www.eilertech.com/stories/powernaut/2008b.htm#7
> Having the Powernaut say "Nothing's ever fair!" with a cheerful 
> expression is... *something* X3

It might be a meme some day.

>> In personal news...  I actually work in an Amazon warehouse now.  That 
>> is considered essential labor, just like grocery stores, only more 
>> sanitary due to less public contact.
> Oh oof, I'm so sorry. @.@

It actually kind of fits my life plan.  Whenever the software industry 
contacts me for jobs nowadays, I usually just laugh about how much they 
really mean it.  And I need *some* kind of good excuse to leave my home 
and avoid cabin fever.

>> I wish I could claim it's had an effect on Powernaut Comics...  but 
>> no, that's just me, ever since I had to give up cartooning in public.
> Having your routines messed with is hard!!
> Drew "boy do I know" Nilium

I seem to spend more time on online personal connection than on creative 
work nowadays.  Which is probably what the world would rather read anyway.

-- (signed) Scott Eiler  8{D> ------ http://www.eilertech.com/ -------

The soldiers presented a pathetic but inspiring spectacle. The
hospitals were crowded with sick and wounded; the walls were
gradually crumbling under incessant shell fire, yet that garrison
of heroes remained undaunted.

It was as Buck said, "just as if they had been Americans."

- from "The Airship Boys in the Great War", De Lysle F. Cass, 1915.
Coming soon to Project Gutenberg.  gutenberg.org

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