SW10/WWW: Superhuman World Wiki: Dwarf Star!

Scott Eiler seiler at eilertech.com
Thu May 21 20:50:59 PDT 2020

On 2020-05-21 16:58, Drew Nilium wrote:
> On 5/12/2020 11:02 PM, Scott Eiler wrote:
>> I'm taking an inter-episode break between Powernaut 2008 Parts 2 and 
>> 3. So it's Wiki time.
>> Finally the mysterious businessman from the Powernaut 2008 series is 
>> identified.  And no, he never actually wore that costume.
>> http://www.eilertech.com/stories/wiki/Dwarf_Star.htm
> Interesting. X3 TBH? I thought he was the one who was supposed to look 
> like Abraham Lincoln. >#>
> Drew "a superhero costume *just in case*" Nilium

I guess that's why I should explain my stories more.

-- (signed) Scott Eiler  8{D> ------ http://www.eilertech.com/ -------

The soldiers presented a pathetic but inspiring spectacle. The
hospitals were crowded with sick and wounded; the walls were
gradually crumbling under incessant shell fire, yet that garrison
of heroes remained undaunted.

It was as Buck said, "just as if they had been Americans."

- from "The Airship Boys in the Great War", De Lysle F. Cass, 1915.
Coming soon to Project Gutenberg.  gutenberg.org

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