LNH: The Core LNH Volume 1: "Basic Politeness Gone Mad!" TEB

Drew Perron pwerdna at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 14:04:10 PDT 2020

On 3/23/2020 1:27 AM, Scott Eiler wrote:
> Ah, I thought maybe I'd missed something.  Or perhaps it is more than a year old 
> or so, and therefore I read it on another computer.

Yeah, these ones were originally posted in FLASH! back in 2016-2017, and I 
figured it'd be good to bring it all together. :>

> On 2020-03-22 16:34, Drew Perron wrote:
>> "Greetings," said a Serious, Deep Voice, sounding surprisingly similar to 
>> James Earl Jones. "Each of you has been chosen out of the
>> Legion's flabbergastingly enormous membership for an important
>> purpose! Due to the aforementioned enormosity, you may not know each
>> other - and, worse, the readers may not! Therefore, roll call!" >     "Hell 
>> Catalyst! The Blazing Friend! With the ability to
>> tele-empathically share her interests, and also might be a vampire!"
>  >
>> "I do my best!" HC was dressed in a shimmery red-and-gold outfit with
>> a high collar and tights. There was a stylized symbol of a puzzle
>> piece on fire on her chest. Her hair was curly and deep red, and she
>> wore fiery red lipstick and blush on her pale cheeks.
> It took me a while to figure out who was speaking what in these sequences.

Yeah, I think i was trying to compress too much into that first chapter. X3 I'm 
planning to come back to this series with *slightly* longer chapters - probably 
on the order of 700-800 words.

> I'll go make some more comments, on the recent story posts.

Thank you! :D

Drew "had a lot of fun with this" Nilium

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