8FOLD: Daylighters # 7 (Annotations)

Tom Russell joltcity at gmail.com
Wed Jun 3 22:02:56 PDT 2020

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              |___/     |___/  ANNOTATIONS

      # 7 - FIVE YEAR RULE

[1] that business with the mancers

This is referring to DARKHORSE # 4, in which a group of anti-Company
mancers attacked the group of Daylighters that rescued Kate from her
"stuck between realities" predicament (itself a result of MIGHTY MEDLY
# 16). Darkhorse, and Kate's sibling Cal, were pushed into a parallel
earth, thus beginning the multiversal mystery tour of DARKHORSE # 5-8.
During that same arc, Kate went on a mission to hunt down those
mancers, and even discovered the truth about The Company. This
wouldn't do, and Rainshade erased Kate's memory in what was her
original heel turn.

[2] yesterday

This is probably something that only matters to me because I'm anal
about these things, but Claire is just plain lying about the date that
Trini (and Angel) moved. They will have done so in mid-January, after
MANCERS # 10. That's around the time that Kate got out of the hospital
and started her investigation. As noted earlier in this issue, it
takes her "a couple of weeks" to locate Trini's apartment, which puts
the bulk of this issue in very late January.

[3] Flintlock

The assassin who tried to kill Darkhorse in MIGHTY MEDLEY # 9-10, and
again in DAYLIGHTERS # 3. During that most recent encounter, he
revealed that he was working for FEVER, and through them had learned
Darkhorse's secret identity, as well as Shimmer's. As we learned later
in that issue, this attempt on Darkhorse's life was supposed to fail,
so that she could pass this information along to the other
Daylighters. Claire then used this to put forth the idea that Medusa
had been compromised, leading in DAYLIGHTERS # 6 to the Daylighters
secretly giving backdoor access to Cradle Tech. Of course what Claire
knew but the rest of them did not was that in doing so, Medusa would
be *actually* compromised. Oopsie.

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