META: Raccies

Drew Perron pwerdna at
Thu Jan 31 10:08:20 PST 2019

On 1/29/2019 9:08 PM, Scott Eiler wrote:> On 2019-01-28 09:37, George Phillies 
 >> Perhaps we are approaching the point where calls for nominations are
 >> needed.  I can send a character.
 >> However, all the character does is fly and move fast.
 > I'll let Drew speak to the calls for nominations.  But surely your character
 > can move faster than the RACCies.  Two years ago, only four people voted.  So
 > we skipped the RACCies entirely last year, and no one seemed to notice.
 > There's been an upswing in publishing in the last few months, though. Is it
 > time for RACCies again?


Drew "thusly!" Perron

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