LNH: Classic LNH Adventures #104: Just Imagine Saxon Brenton's RACCies! Part Three

Drew Perron pwerdna at gmail.com
Mon Apr 29 20:13:33 PDT 2019

On 4/28/2019 5:21 PM, Arthur Spitzer wrote:
> And Jamie Rosen returns with #6.  Is it time to destroy Saxon Brenton?


> "Me?  Nonsense!  _You_ attacked _me_!"
> Alan shook his head.  "He's lying!"
> "I suspect he is only relating events the way he remembers them,"
> Doctor Stomper surmised.  "After all, neither of you have motivation to
> lie."

*grumbles softly about boringly-resolved conflicts and boring dialogue*

> "But wasn't Manga Man a villain?" Kid Enthusiastic asked.
> "Yes," Deja Dude said, "but he was presumably less interested in
> destroying the LNH as he was in telling a good story."
> "Indeed," Manga Man said.  "Without villains, there would be no story
> and without stories there would be no LNH.  None of the original CPDC
> writers are still around and yet the LNH lives on!  That was my doing!
> I no more want to see this legacy erased than any of you!"

This is a genuinely good point, tho, and influenced where I eventually went with 
Manga Man Gold.

> "If the virus only affects stories written by RACCies winners then I
> suggest that everybody vote for Andrew Perron in all categories," Deja
> Dude suggested.  "Then his stories will all be deleted and everybody
> else's stories will remain unaffected, thereby causing the minimum
> amount of damage because Andrew only managed to get out four issues of
> his Digital Jump series."
> "Um, I don't like that idea," Kid Enthusiastic said.
> "What's with the lack of enthusiasm, Kid Enthusiastic?" Deja Dude
> asked.
> "Andrew Perron is _my_ writer.  I'm his WC."
> "Exactly," Deja Dude said, "so you'd be a shoe-in for favorite LNHer."
> Deja Dude thought for a moment.  "Does Casey even have powers or is he
> just your sidekick?"
> "Did you hear what Manga Man said?  It would be as though the author
> never existed!  That means _I_ would cease to exist!"  Kid Enthusiastic
> was now very enthusiastic about changing Deja Dude's mind
> about this.

And this is a genuinely good joke. X3 <3 God, the days when I'd barely written 
anything! When I was doing good to get out a few stories a year! That feels so 
weird now... and yet I still don't feel *that* much more productive. X3

> The assembled LNHers blinked in unison, resulting in a loud, squishy
> sound.


> "It's not such a big deal," said PAM II, unscrewing a bottle hidden in
> a brown paper bag with one set of arms while gesturing with the second.

I love PAM II's four arms. X3

> "All you have to do is ensure that no one wins the RACCies."
> "But how do we do that? The nominations have already been sent, the
> votes are soon to be cast."
> "Then there is only one thing to do," Ultimate Ninja said stoically.
> "We have to...
> Destroy Saxon Brenton!"
> Cue the music: Dah-duh-duh-duuuuuuuuh

I love where this went, too~

Drew "what a fun storyline" Perron

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