LNH: Classic LNH Adventures #62: Birth Of A Villain Part Two

Jeanne Morningstar mrfantastic7 at googlemail.com
Tue Sep 4 19:26:42 PDT 2018

On 5/20/18 5:54 PM, Arthur Spitzer wrote:

> Joining the Birth of a Villain cascade with #4 is Jamie Rosen who had
> done the Invisible-Intangible-Inaudible Lass miniseries and various
> other MISC Imprint stuff.  

Jamie Rosen was one of the most kind and helpful people when I was just 
getting started out on RACC, as well as an excellent writer.

> Now you will pay for..."
>     THUD!
>     "Zzzzzzzzz..."

Oh mood.

> From: Tony Pi

I see Tony Pi's name pop up a lot these days when I go to Barnes and 
Noble. He's been in anthologies with some pretty big names. Nice to see 
he's still going.

>       "First rule of the Gorilla Conspiracy:  there will appear at least
> one gorilla in every arc...eventually!" shouted Gorilla Grad.

I rly need more ape characters in my work.

>          "Twaeila Brock," the newcomer stated, brushing a lock of blond hair
> from her eyes.  "My Writer's ficticious 'daughter' from another newsgroup.

One of the things I wanna write about one of these days is what's 
happened to alt.barney.dinosaur.die.die now that the Purple One is 
basically done for.

Also it's interesting that Twaeila's kind of an evolutionary precursor 
to the character Merissa became.

Jeanne Morningstar

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