META: Theme Songs!

Drew Perron pwerdna at
Wed May 10 20:03:38 PDT 2017

So, in the interest of getting more discussion going, and also having a place to 
put my silly thoughts about writing: What band or artist would do the theme song 
for your series?

A few examples I've thought of from stuff I've written: Digital JUMP! would of 
course be Megumi Hayashibara - gotta get that '90s anime sound. Looniverse 
Chronicles would be some kind of sweeping epic-feeling '90s-y instrumental. 
Maybe Jerry Goldsmith or Joseph DeLuca? WikiLull would be Weird Al Yankovic in 
full Silly Mode, and WikiLull After would be some demented combination of Rush, 
Nine Inch Nails, and Sister MAYO. Finally, The Terrific Visage would be JAM 
Project - I'd love to see their brand of super-hot-blooded shonen action applied 
to a slice-of-life about a small sweet girl and the AI in her head.

Drew "if this gets replies, I'll post more examples" Perron

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