MISC: The Girl Who Saved the World Part 56

Drew Perron pwerdna at gmail.com
Sun Feb 19 15:32:54 PST 2017

On 2/19/2017 12:23 AM, George Phillies wrote:
>>> For a few moments I was carried back to another book I’d read yesterday, and
>>> that historical oddity, the not-American Ambassador.  One fine day, there had
>>> appeared in Vienna a man claiming to be the American Ambassador, which he was
>>> not. He had an impressive set of papers, claiming he was the ambassador not for
>>> the American Republic but from a “United States of America” founded in 1776, not
>>> 0017, and not to the "Empire of the Hapsburgs” but to  a “Republic of Austria”.
>> Ooooooh. Fascinating. :o
> I have a group of alpha readers.  They are not SF fans.  Several of them
> could not understand how our world changed so much in two years, and did
> not recognize the parallel timeline trope. I am trying to get it across.

Ahhhh! This is a good way to do it - introduce an example of our world, and 
contrast it with this one.

Drew "cryptid universe" Perron

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