MISC: Writing Prompt: A first date gets interrupted by something fantastic.

christopher.rohrbaugh at gmail.com christopher.rohrbaugh at gmail.com
Sat Apr 29 16:15:23 PDT 2017

Jess picks at her food with her fork, trying to think of something to say. She’s never been any good at small talk, and being on a date with such a gorgeous woman as Sarah is just making her all the more shy.

“So, uh, what kinda work do you do?” Sarah asks, in a tone that definitely suggests that she’s totally lost interest in Jess and is just trying to converse with her out of a sense of pity. Yup, Jess is pretty sure that’s what her tone is conveying.

“You know, um.” Let’s see. Should she come right out about being a magical girl? She just wants to come across like a normal person and not a complete weirdo. “I work in…uh…public…service?”

“Oh. That’s neat. Public services are important.”

Well, that was a dud. Looks like she went too far in the opposite direction and sounded like the most boring person on Earth.

After another moment of awkward silence, Sarah pipes up again. “What sort of public serv - ”

She’s cut off as the ground suddenly shakes, then splits open only feet away. Nearby diners scatter as a skeletal monster of charred black bone emerges, its eyes glittering with red malice.

“I, uh, havetogodosomething” Jess blurts out, dashing away from the table. She gets…okay, not very far away, but hopefully far enough away that Sarah won’t take notice as she draws on the power of the stars, taking the form of her alter ego Cosmic Angel. As she brandishes the Starlit Blade at her opponent, she spots Sarah - just finishing her own transformation in a flourish of flame.

“Oh my gosh, you too?”

“Oh! Wow, nice costume, Jess! Come on, let’s take care of this thing.”

Together, Cosmic Angel and Inferno Princess handily defeat the monster, sending it back into the black void from which it came. Jess leans on Sarah’s shoulder as her outfit poofs back to normal, feeling exhausted but elated at their victory.

“Uh, so yeah. Public service.” Jess mumbles, giggling sheepishly.

Sarah laughs and slips an arm around her waist. “You should’ve told me sooner. I can’t believe my date is a magical girl too~ It’s so hard to meet other people understand what it’s like.”

Jess blushes and nods. Well, their first date could’ve certainly gone worse.

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