LNH: WikiLull After #4

Drew Perron pwerdna at gmail.com
Sun Apr 16 13:05:05 PDT 2017

On 4/16/2017 1:34 PM, Adrian McClure wrote:
> "Cheesecake Eater Lad Beyond 0D"

We're really leaning into the Final Crisis now! (...that story is almost 
ten years old, haaaa @-@)

> There sure are a lot of
> afterlives. Maybe I'll get to go to Valhalla. It'd tie right in with
> that movie that's coming out, right."


> He tapped his foot. "You know, this is being written on
> Easter, right? It's a whole holiday about coming back from the dead.
> It'd be a great time for me to come back. Right? Right?"

XD Amazing

> Suddenly, he had a thought. It was a very nasty thought and he didn't
> want to have it, but there was nothing else to do here. He twiddled
> his thumbs and bit his lip and whistled and it wouldn't go away.
> "So... what if it's actually all over? What if we lost? What if the
> world ended?"

awh. :<

> It was a sobering thought and he couldn't think of much of anything to
> say to it. He stared into the distance, blinked and tapped his feet.
> "Of course not. I mean, I'm here, right? So someone has to be writing
> this. RACC has to still exist.

Oh, man, but what if this was the last LNH story ever written? How 
fucked up would that be? @-@ *works quickly on Writer's Block Person #24*

> There are stories after this one on the
> timeline, although Liminals #1 is kind of weird because it implies
> this whole storyline is about to happen even though it probably makes
> the most sense to put it later, what with the LNHQ not blowing up and
> stuff.

*makes one of those conspiracy boards where everything is linked by 
different colors of yarn*

> He sighed and slumped on the ground putting his hands on his cheeks.
> "That's the thing. That's what I'm really scared of. The idea that
> people will just stop caring. There's so much going on now, everyone's
> all buried under an avalanche of bad stuff. The Medley's behind,
> Flash! is behind, everything behind, because everyone has to put all
> their effort into just getting up in the morning the way things are
> right now. Back when this story started we all felt like we were ready
> to be in the #resistance or whatever, but no one knew how exhausting
> it would be just getting through the day to day grind of bad stuff."

Ugh. Yeah. @.@ I was like that for months, but eventually I was able to 
pick myself up and dust myself off and started putting energy out into 
the world, good, fun, healing energy, and now it's inspiring people and 
I'm getting energy back, and it's slowly lifting all of us and making us 
stronger, giving us the power to stand up.

> Or Ralph Nadir.
> Whatever happened to him, anyway? Last I heard he was a zombie." [See
> the now-classic President Evil cascade]
> "Wait! Wait!" He waved his arms around. "There's a footnote-y person
> here! Footnote Girl? Is that you? Please help? Tell me how I'm
> supposed to get out of here!"
> But no footnote came.

ooooooh :o Man, this is some good existential angst. @.@

> "So anyway, he came back in President Evil, which was
> the last storyline about the Presidential election, and I was
> wondering if this has anything to do with that. I mean, I guess that's
> where Forgotten Gal came from originally. Maybe something from that
> story will come back and resolve all this. I wouldn't put it past the
> writers--these guys loooove their continuity."

We really do!

> Hey footnote person! Hey!" He
> jumped up and down and started waving his arms. "What's the issue that
> fixes this whole mess?"

*shiver* That's *good*.

> If Cheesecake Eater Lad had been the kind of person who cursed, he
> would have done it, a lot. Instead he just said, "Oh phooey. Anyway,
> with the 9/11 stuff we were able to just use the LNH's escapism to
> drive out the Relevance, instead of letting the Realism get to us, and
> back during the War on Terror that was itself a pretty powerful
> statement. We were just supposed to accept all that as inevitable and
> the LNH gave us a space to imagine something different. But now we've
> built this whole story around that and we can't do that. Can we?"

Ah, man, this is Intense. The LNH's escapism is powerful, but to 
transcend this, we'll need something stronger still...

> He stopped in his tracks and rubbed his chin. "Hmmm. Hmmm. I wonder if
> I can fly? I mean, there's no ground here." He jumped up in the air,
> waved his arms around frantically and plopped to the floor. "Guess
> not. Phooey. That doesn't seem fair."

I know, right? You'd think.

> He resumed his journey from nowhere into nothing. "You know this issue
> would look really neat if it were an actual comic, with panels and
> stuff. There would be these really creative panel grids. Very cool and
> experimental. Really."

Oh, yes, very indie. :o

> "Go away. I'm just trying to be dead here."
> That was when Cheesecake Eater Lad realized he knew this woman. A few
> years ago, no one would have remembered her, but now, after the Dorf
> invasion [LNH v2 #50], everyone did.
> It was Captain LNH.


Drew "SO RAD SO RAD!!" Perron

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