SW10/WWW: Powernaut 1985 #18: Day of the Losernaut!

Scott Eiler seiler at eilertech.com
Thu Mar 31 19:48:16 PDT 2016

On 2016-03-31 17:04, Drew Perron wrote:
> On 3/17/2016 7:12 PM, Scott Eiler wrote:
>> .... That's right! You only *thought* he was a throw-away
>> character! But Lenny Lussier proves he's in this story to stay, as
>> Powernaut 1985 gets its final guest star.
>> http://www.eilertech.com/stories/powernaut/1985b.htm#18
> I did *not* realize that. o.o; Wow.

heh.  I did not realize that either, until I eliminated PowerTeen from 
consideration and I still needed five Powernauts!

You ask why PowerTeen was separate from other Powernauts in 2011... 
Back then, I thought he *was* separate.  But when I saw how much he 
acted like Powernaut 1968, I did the chronology and figured it out.  And 
as you can see in 2012, the concept of someone who might turn into a 
PowerTeen survives.  (Might it happen in 2013???)

(signed) Scott Eiler  8{D> -------- http://www.eilertech.com/ ---------

When you *are* the leader... whatever goes wrong... whether you did it
or not... *you* are held responsible. - Barack Obama

I know. - Archie Andrews

- from Archie #617, March 2011, scripted by Alex Simmons.

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